Cubeb pepper, Javanese Exotic Spice

Cubeb pepper, Javanese Exotic Spice

Cubeb pepper (Piper cubebais native to Java island, Indonesia and widely cultivated in Java. Cubeb pepper is also called "Tailed Pepper" because of its shape. Cubeb pepper is picked by hands when the berries are still green and unripe then dried in the sun until they turn yellowish-brown. Javanese people have been used cubeb pepper for generations traditionally to spice their cuisine as well as an ailment to treat respiratory and digestive problems.

Cubeb pepper is native to Java island, Indonesia and widely cultivated in Java.

Cubeb pepper is native to Java island, Indonesia and widely cultivated in Java. It belongs to the pepper family, Cubeb pepper grows in an evergreen shrub with glossy leaves and white flowers that grows up to 6 m tall. The fruit of cubeb pepper comes in pairs, each about 5 cm long. Cubeb pepper has a shape similar to that of black peppercorn but it’s smaller with a different coloration at the base.

With a population of more than 150 million people, Java is the most populous island in Indonesia. Java is home to many dense tropical rainforest, with ecosystems ranging from coastal mangrove forest on the north coast, rocky coastal cliffs on the southern coast, and low-lying tropical forest to high altitude rainforest on the slopes of mountainous volcanic regions in the interior. This makes Java an exceptional island in terms of its biodiversity.

Cubeb pepper also called "Tailed Pepper" because of its shape.

Cubeb pepper is a rare spice that belongs to the pepper family. It comes from Java island, Indonesia and has been known for hundreds of years as a substitute for black pepper. 

Javanese people use Cubeb pepper in various cuisine, including Indonesian-style curry (gulai), chicken soup (soto), and many more.

Due to its health benefit, the Javanese also have been using cubeb pepper for generations traditionally to treat respiratory problems and digestive disorders. They use Cubeb pepper in various hot drinks hot drinks (wedang), teas and traditional herbal drinks (jamu).

Cultivating Cubeb pepper

Cubeb pepper is picked by hands when the berries are still green and unripe then dried in the sun until they turn yellowish-brown.

This process is done by hand to ensure that only ripe ones are picked.

Cubeb is a fascinating spice that can add wonderful bold flavours to many recipes, a great addition to any chef's kitchen

Cubeb is a fascinating spice that can add wonderful bold flavours to many recipes, a great addition to any chef's kitchen. Cubeb is used in many Asian dishes and is often paired with fish and seafood. Cubeb pairs well with chicken, pork and lamb as well. This exotic Javanese pepper can be found at your local Asian market but you can grow it yourself if you have the right conditions!

Cubeb has a strong flavour profile that will definitely stand out in your recipe—but this doesn't mean that it's overpowering or gives off too much heat like other hot peppers might do. Its distinct spicy taste comes from its citrusy aroma and fruity aftertaste; making it the perfect fruity pepper for those who love sweet-and-sour flavours!


Cubeb pepper is a fascinating spice that can add wonderful bold flavors to many recipes, a great addition to any chef's kitchen. If you're new to cubeb, it might take some time getting used too but don't give up on this amazing spice! You will be amazed at all the delicious dishes you can make with cubeb pepper once you've mastered using it properly

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